

In the event of a complaint regarding any aspect of the services provided by Private Ultrasound Limited, patients are advised to write first to the Practice Manager at 1 Harley Street, London, W1G 9QD or send an email to

All complaints are logged with name, address, date of diagnostic study and reason for the complaint. The complaint will also be documented.

All complaints receive a written acknowledgement within 2 working days of receipt of their complaint (unless a full reply can be sent within 5 working days).

A full response is made within 10 working days of receipt of the complaint or, where the investigation is still in process, a letter explaining the reason for the delay is sent to the complainant and a full response made within 5 working days of a conclusion being reached.

You could also get in touch with Care Quality Commission in writing, or via their website should you wish to make them aware of your complaint.

Our contact details

2 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 9QD
020 7935 4417
07501 701 701