12 Week Nuchal Scan with NIPT Harmony Test

A nuchal scan, or nuchal translucency (NT) scan, is often used as a screening test mainly for Down’s syndrome, as well as Edward’s and Patau’s syndromes and a number of major foetal abnormalities. The risk of Down’s syndrome and certain other abnormalities increases with the mother’s age.

Our medical team holds the licence from Fetal Medicine Foundation, authority on NT Screening, for 12 week Nuchal scan.

What is nuchal translucency (NT)?

Nuchal translucency is a collection of fluid under the skin at the back of your baby’s neck. It is measured using ultrasound in order to evaluate risk of a Down’s syndrome. All babies have some fluid at the back of their neck, but those with Down’s syndrome will have an increased amount.

The combination of NT scan and maternal serum free β-hCG and PAPP-A improves the detection to 90%. There is now evidence that the detection rate can increase to about 95% and the false positive rate can be reduced to 3% by also examining the nasal bone, ductus venosus flow and tricuspid flow.

When and how is NT scan performed?

  • Between 11 – 13 weeks+6 days of pregnancy
  • or when your baby measures between 45mm (1.8in) and 84mm (3.3in)
  • it is performed externally with the ultrasound probe gently gliding over the abdomen, although in some cases it may be required to have a transvaginal scan. Both are painless and safe for you and your pregnancy
  • our NT scan includes a blood test, processed by the Fetal Medicine Centre’s own laboratory, providing 97% accuracy in results

What will the scan examine?

  • Amount of fluid at the back of the baby’s neck
  • Presence or absence of baby’s nose bone
  • Full anatomy and development check for any abnormalities
  • Mother’s blood sample determines the level of 2 hormones- free beta-hCG and the protein PAPP-A. Babies with Down’s syndrome tend to have high levels of hCG and low levels of PAPP-A.

What is included?

  • 30 minute scan
  • Blood test – results available on the same or the next day
  • A full diagnostic report
  • Free 4D preview
  • Free pictures to take with you
  • Specialist one on one Zoom consultation

Is someone available at the clinic to discuss further questions/ concerns after the scan?

Yes, an ultrasound specialist Doctor will be available to talk to if you have additional questions or concerns.

An specialist Consultant will be available to talk you through the report in an online Zoom one-on-one consultation, as well as to answer additional questions or concerns. Tests including the Harmony Test of invasive tests such as CVS or Amniocentesis can also be explained at depth.

We strongly recommend recording the online consultation for your perusal.

We will ask you to show the report to your own Doctor or midwife. We can also provide details of the highly regarded Obstetricians and Fetal Medicine specialists we have been working with for many years, should you need any further advice and care.

What are the preparations for this scan?

Please arrive for the scan with full bladder or drink 4 glasses of water 1 hour before your appointment.

How easy is to book an appointment?

We introduced an easy and user friendly online booking system for your convenience.

We understand the pressures of our fast-lane lifestyles nowadays and strive to meet your busy schedule by offering a fast-track, same day appointments during weekdays and Saturdays, as well as 2 evening clinics on alternate days each week.



Booking and payment

Bookings and payments will be processed via our other website belonging to Private Ultrasound:

Book Consultant – £550.00

Easy to Book a Scan

We follow your schedule- choose the time that suits you